Product description:
BIOLIN P is a sugar extract from chicory roots.
It is a nutritional supplement for the protective skin microbiota, while the foreign and often harmful organisms can not digest BIOLIN P. This means that in the presence of BIOLIN P the skin microbiota recovers faster, while the harmful microorganisms are reduced.
With the BIOLIN P skin reddening and diaper rash in the diaper area are avoided. It is an essential ingredient for feminine intimate hygiene as it balances the protective lactobacilli. BIOLIN P has been extensively tested in the area of baby care and intimate hygiene.
Therefore, the BIOLIN P is particularly suitable for baby care products, intimate care products, but also for applications on sensitive skin.
Biolin P
Inulin, Alpha-Glucan Oligosaccharide
Country availability
Application areas
Baby care, Facial care, Hand and foot care, Hygiene products, Intimate care, Body care
Natürlicher Hautschutz/Natural skin protection, Beugt Hautausschlag vor/Prevents skin rash, gegen Hautrötungen/Against skin redness, Verbessert Hautwohlbefinden/Improves skin well-being, Für empfindliche Haut/For sensitive skin, Präbiotika/ Prebiotic, Palmölfrei/Palm free
Water soluble
Powder: 0.5 - 5%